how to eat pussy

How to eat pussy and ride dick ?

If you want to know How to eat pussy and ride dick, then read this article till the end to make their sex as fun as it really is !

There is no level of get pleasure and when you can make your partner happy in every way. To don’t know it better how to eat pussy and ride dick? Many couples are not able to make their sex as fun as it really is. If you want to know How to eat pussy and ride dick, then read this article till the end.

How To Eat Pussy?

Oral sex is the most important moment for you and your partner to have perfect sex. First of all, make your partner lie down on the bed. After that you will keep kissing your partner’s thighs. This will make your partner more excited for sex. Then you can spread both your partner’s legs and softly rub your partner’s pussy for some time.

What places should you pay attention to when you are eating your partner’s Pussy?

If you have to go to some place, then it is very important to have good knowledge about that. Without that you will not be able to do anything in the best way at that place. That’s why pussy is a kind of a place, if you don’t have the best knowledge about it then you can not give best pleasure to your partner.

If you want to know how to eat pussy then follow the steps given below.

  • Clitoris:

Now when you are eating pussy, you will have to pay maximum attention to this thing. It is frequently located at the top of the vulva and is also very sensitive. Your partner will get a lot of pleasure just by touching on it. If you lick Clitoris, then this moment will really be the most pleasure for both of you and your partner.

  • Labia Majora:

Labia majora is also known as vagina padding or outer lips. This is a fattier skin giving folds on the Vulva. This place also gets swell a lot during sex.

  • Vagina or Pussy:

Pussy(vagina) is an entrance where you enter your dick while you have sex with your partner. You can also put your finger on this place. If your partner is comfortable then you can also increase the number of your fingers. 

  • G-spot and A-spot:

G-spot is very easy to find. There is like a wall inside the pussy. G-spot is right in front of it. It’s very much like a ribbed nubbin but soft to touch so far. If you touch it, it is very sensitive to pleasure. An A-spot is located on the upper front of the vaginal wall and near the Cervix.

We would not recommend that you do fingering at this place. You can use your tongue to seduce your partner.


How to ride a dick?

This moment is the most memorable and most seductive for every couple. There are many sub positions using which you can ride on your partner’s dick.


There are many Sex Positions using which most of the time the girl remains on top and the boy remains on the bottom during sex. Cowgirl, reverse cowgirl is a sex position in which your partner will be on top of you. In this, your partner will have to sit on you spreading both the legs. If your partner is uncomfortable to spread her legs completely. Then you can suggest her some exercises in which she will be able to achieve this. Once she appears above, she will be able to enter your penis into her pussy.

Where to put your hands:

Most of the time, you and your partner might be getting confused as to what to hold when your partner rides on your dick. This is a very confusing moment for every couple. Many couples, when they are in this position or your partner is on top of you, do not do what you were supposed to do. If your partner is riding on your dick, then your partner can place her hand on your stomach or your chest for a support system and better bouncing. And in this position, you can also keep your hands on your partner’s waist. Due to which your partner will be able to give you more pressure by bouncing more by taking a better position.

Enjoy every moment:

This probably happens with many new couples. When they are having sex for the first time, they feel very shy during such situations. Because of which partners are not able to enjoy this moment openly. But in reality something else should have happened. Because it is a very romantic moment for every partner during a physical relationship. When your partner is riding on your dick then try to make eye contact with her. And try your best to enjoy this moment till the end without feeling shy. Because if you are shy, it forces your partner to feel shy too. While sex is made to feel pleasure not to feel shy.

Final Words

Oral sex makes sex complete if you can do it in the best way. We have told you the best solution, using which you will be able to give maximum love to your partner. And of course, from our side, whenever you are having oral sex, keep in mind that you and your partner should be clean and hygiene  in your private parts.

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